Northern Beaches Hospital
At the Northern Beaches Hospital, the Little Star beads program is offered to children, admitted in the Paediatric Ward, with a chronic illness or condition that results in multiple hospital admissions or procedures throughout their life.
The program is run by the Paediatric Ambulatory Care Service (PACS) which operates on weekdays from 8am-4.30pm.
Have a chat with your nurse when you are in for your next appointment and ask them to help you to register your child for this very special program.
Children with chronic medical conditions often have many hospital stays and outpatient visits and during these times they may need to go through medical procedures that can sometimes be painful and disquieting for them, and their parents too. Each bead tells the personal story of a child’s medical journey.
The string of beads will become a very special memento for the children and their families, and a symbol of pride and courage for the challenges that they have overcome.

Interested in becoming a member of The Little Star Beads Program? Get In Touch.