Campbelltown Hospital
The Tiny Star Beads program, at Campbell town Hospital, offers babies little rewards for their medical procedures and milestones in the form of unique beads.
Beads are collected during the weekly Parent Support Sessions held within the Special Care Nursery meeting room. You will receive your special beads from a Special Care Nursery staff member and are most welcome to then stay for a cuppa and chat with other families.
During a long hospital stay, babies can go through many different medical procedures, some of which may be painful, and at times this can be upsetting for them and for their parents too. The beads, when strung together, help to tell the story of each baby’s personal medical journey.
The string of beads will become a very special memento for the babies, and their families, and a symbol of pride and courage for all the challenges that they have overcome.

Interested in becoming a member of The Little Star Beads Program? Get In Touch.