Women’s and Children’s Hospital Adelaide
At The Women’s and Children’s Hospital, the Tiny Star Beads Program is offered to babies, and their families, in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
After every medical procedure, your baby goes through, you can collect their beads from the Parent Support Group held weekly in the Parent Lounge (3rd floor near the Nursery entry). Beads are distributed by the Neonatal Unit Social Worker and Family Support Volunteer who facilitates these groups. You are then most welcome to stay for a cuppa and a chat, or to join in on what the group is doing that week but that is entirely up to you.
Babies are wonderfully resilient and often, at these times, their courage and strength are awe-inspiring though dealing with these procedures is never easy for them or their families. The beads, when strung together, will help to tell the story of each child’s personal, medical journey.
The string of beads will become a very special memento for the babies, and their families, and a symbol of pride and courage for all the challenges that they have overcome.

Interested in becoming a member of The Little Star Beads Program? Get In Touch.